Friday, July 11, 2014


Back to the Present

My son had been arguing with his girlfriend for sometime now. He had  mentioned that she kept threatening to break up with him for about a month.

This along with the pressures of work, college and our financial issues had him extremely stressed. Also, the long awaited trial for the Sexual Molestation and Sexual Abuse charges and the 8 counts Attempted Murder Charges against Lowell had been continued again. This was now four years and counting.

My son left for work at 3:50 pm that day. He worked the night shift at a neighborhood store as a stock man. He had just gotten the job about 4 months earlier.

The boss had told my son two weeks prior to start looking for another job. His boss Shane stated  my son was to disorganized and the job was just not for him. Shane mentioned that he would give him sometime to find another job. Shane stated to me prior to this "He did not want to just throw him out. I really like your son."

However, that day his boss kept yelling at my son. Angelo later told me.

About an hour later after arriving at work my son - Angelo text me. He had said that he was very upset because his girlfriend Shari had broken up with him. He stated "What if I do not live anymore? Would you take revenge on Shari?" I told him to stop talking that way. I said, "Angelo, you need to focus on work. We can talk about it when you get home."

Time passed. I text him. I asked, "How are you doing?" He said, "Mom I just snapped. I can't handle this anymore." I said, "Angelo, you cannot afford to lose your job. We will lose everything. You need to focus." He did not reply.

We are having major financial issues due to loss of medical benefits, car repairs, and other unexpected expenses. I had managed to make some progress with the finances since Angelo started his new job. He was making $100.00 more a week than he was at last job. So we were finally seeing the "light at the end of the tunnel".

A few minutes later he text. "Mom, I do not want to live anymore." I again stated," We cannot afford for you to lose your job. You need to get it together. Please please stop talking foolish. We will talk when you get home."

Minutes later I got a phone call. It was my ex-husband. He said, "Angelo called me. He told me he swallowed a whole bunch of pills and slit his wrists. You need to go to his work and see if he is okay." I said, "He would not do that. He is fine.He always says stupid things when he gets upset" We kept going back and forth. I started yelling. "I said so what so he dies. Oh well. Where the hell are you?" I hung up the phone.


I tried calling my son again. NO ANSWER. Seconds later I received a jumbled text from my son. I then knew he really did something. I could not believe it. I thought he was just blowing off steam. I did not believe he would try to commit suicide. I was running around my house trying to find my shoes and heard a knock at my door. It was the police!

I opened the door yelling "WHAT!!!" "Ma'am, we received a phone call from your ex-husband. He said your son is trying to commit suicide." I said, "Yes, I know I am trying to find my shoes." He looked at me puzzled. I then said, "He is not here. He is at work." I then told him where he works. I said, "I will out in a moment." I closed the door.

I looked down and my shoes where right in front of me. I grabbed them at rushed out the door. To my dismay the officer was gone. My son had the car so the only way I could get to my son's job was to run there.

I turned the corner only to be met by four squad cars. I ran into the store and was told by Shane, the store manager that the police said we were to stay in front. I tried to stay but I couldn't. I did not know what to do. They would not let me see my son.

I then thought immediately of asking for his phone. Maybe then I could see him. They would not let me. I then thought I will call his girlfriend to ask what happened. I realized I could not call her because I needed his phone. I did not know the number. I asked again for the phone. The officer stated " We are a little busy right now trying to revive your son." "Trying to revive my son?", I questioned.

I then became more upset. All I could think of is that I needed his phone. I kept yelling out " I need his phone". I felt helpless. I did not know what to do.

The officer that had Lowell arrested came up to me and asked if I remembered her. I immediately recognized her. She tried to calm me down. I asked if he was okay. She said "Angelo is unconscious. He lost a lot of blood. He cut his wrists. He also took some pills." "What? He is bleeding and took pills? Is he going to be okay?" We do not know the ambulance is on its way, she said. I asked, "If I could get his phone?" She walked back to where Angelo was. The ambulance arrived moments later. She came back and stated "The other officer will give it to you in a minute. They are working on Angelo right now."

I do not know what was wrong with me. Why in the hell was that damn phone so important? Later, I realized it was some sort of lifeline. I JUST HAD TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? I really do not even know how to explain it. I am still puzzled by it.

My mind was whirling. I looked around me. I came to realization that I was standing in the middle of the store as customers kept walking in and staring. I was crying and shaking real bad. Everything was spinning. I felt like the life has been sucked out of me. I told the officer I was going outside. I needed to calm down.

I waited for what seemed like an eternity. The ambulance driver came out of the store and told me to go to the hospital. "We will meet you there", he stated. I told the ambulance driver my son has the keys. As I was talking to the ambulance driver a police officer came out of the store.

He told me to ride in the ambulance and that I was in no shape to drive. I got into the ambulance. I do not know why but I still kept asking for that damn phone!  The ambulance drove to the back of the store. They loaded my son into the ambulance. Then all I heard is that "HIS HEART IS STOPPING!"

The world stood still......


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Thank you for sharing!